Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Checking in with students during the term

Early in Week 2 is a good time to survey students about the course. Here is a sample paper survey. I have also adapted this survey as an online Moodle questionnaire in some terms. 

I change questions 7 through 10 each term so that they reflect the learning objectives covered between the start of the course and the survey. In later versions the final block said: "Is there anything else you think I should know?"

I find students appreciate that I am holding myself and the new community accountable for the promises in the Course Description, which include things like we will treat each other with respect and we need a safe place to make mistakes. I find many students, excited at the start of the term, write positive notes to me in the open-ended section at the end. This helps them make a commitment to the course and hold that commitment when the going gets tough.

If a student gives a negative answer (false or very false), I follow up right away to find out why, typically by email, because that's easy for me to do quickly. This has been very rare, and so it hasn't been time-consuming. 

Whether I use a paper form or an online form I respond briefly to each student after I read this.

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