Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Getting readers ready for retrospective miscue analysis in small groups

Retrospective miscue analysis is often done in individual sessions with students, but in a college classroom where students attend for a maximum of 10 weeks (and some fewer than that) there isn't time to schedule the number of individual sessions needed.

The analysis can also be done within student groups during class. Sarah Costello's chapter titled A Teacher/Researcher Uses RMA in Retrospective Miscue Analysis by Goodman and Marek, has some useful ideas for a series of seven background lessons to prepare students to do the analysis in small groups. I summarized these below with notes about implementation, and with instructional objectives (derived from Costello's description). Note that Costello developed the series of seven after trying three lessons exploring:
1) what is a miscue (unexpected response, not a mistake, a window into reader thinking),
2) all readers miscue
3) reading process: what readers are doing to make meaning (sample/predict/confirm/deny)

Lesson 1: What is the process of learning?
Objective: Identify and become aware of the pre-requisites for learning. Costello used a group brainstorming activity. I have used think/writes to call up wisdom gained in past experiences (successes and failures), sometimes combined with a dating line where students share their wisdom with others in turn. Pre-requisites to look for:
  • students must want to learn
  • students must be in an environment where they can take risks and make mistakes
  • students must have opportunities to practice
Lesson 2: What is "reading"?
Objective: Define reading and list examples of the variety of student reading experiences. Costello assigned students to "log all the reading they did in one day," categorizing it on a chart as informational (e.g. textbook, magazine, instructions, cookbook), recreational (e.g. a phone text, TV commercial) or environmental (e.g. a stop sign). The class discussed the data collected on the next day.

Lesson 3: What do we perceive?
Objective: Evaluate the quality and nature of individual perception. People can perceive the same thing differently and we often see what we think we see.  Costello showed the students optical illusions - images with more than one meaning. My colleague Phyllis Nissila demonstrated a similar lesson on perception for our faculty inquiry group using geometric optical illusions.

woman standng on a mat at a microphone on a beach who appears to be floating on a magic carpet above the sand, depending on the way you look at the image
man holding woman in such a way that you can see the image two ways - either she is holding him or he is holding her
Costello also used riddles to discuss multiple interpretations "because the author expects the reader will think one way and then provides a twist for the purpose of surprise."  Examples from Costello:

1: Some months have thirty days; some have thirty-one. How many have twenty-eight? (All)
2: You are lost in the woods. You are freezing and you find a cabin. You have only one match. You enter the cabin and find a kerosene lamp, an oil heater and a wood-burning stove. Which would you light first? (The match) (Goodman & Marek, Retrospective Miscue Analysis p. 171).

Costello closed the lesson with a final exercise and discussion about "what effective and efficient readers do when reading." This is a dramatic example of a miscue using a text that purposefully leads the good reader to read what is meant instead of what is written.

Efficient readers will miscue when reading these two samples because they don't even see (or read) the repeat the or a. If someone were reading word for word they would see and read it, but it's not important when reading for meaning. Efficient readers aren't making a mistake, it's a miscue. The efficient reader samples only as much text as the reader needs to make meaning, predicting what will be there and confirming or denying what he/she predicts by asking if it makes sense, then correcting as needed.

Possible discussion supports after reading the sample out loud (to a partner?) and having the partner listen and then compare the text to the words read out loud.

  • Did the reader read the text out loud exactly how it was written on the page?
  • What was different about the reader's version?
  • Why didn't the reader say all the words?
  • How did the reader know that those words weren't needed?
  • What is the reader doing?
  • Does it matter if the reader's version is different from the author's version (what is read out loud is different from what is typed on the page)?
  • When would that matter?
Terms to highlight for students (note that Goodman calls these the strategies but if using a more detailed list of strategies perhaps these would need another name):
  • sample - the reader chooses what to read next to make sense of the text
  • predict - the reader thinks about what the author will say next
  • confirm/deny - the reader checks to see if the prediction is correct
  • correct - the reader samples and repeats if the prediction is not correct
In my experience students will need several more experiences in order to re-examine the assumption that decoding words is the same as reading (or making meaning). 

Lesson 4: What do readers do in the search for meaning, if they aren't just decoding the words?
Objective: Identify the steps in the reading process (sample, predict, confirm/deny, correct) and how students already use those steps.

[According to Costello, in this lesson students discussed how "miscues are influenced by what readers expect to see, relating to the previous lesson on perception." How is this different from the previous lesson? Is it necessary or is this just relation back to the previous lesson to move ahead?]

Next, Costello and her students discussed the way everyone uses the steps/strategies. For students to reach the lesson objectives they would need to use the information presented to make decisions on their own - perhaps an assignment to find examples and bring them back to class, or brainstorm them with a partner, after hearing a few examples. Possible examples:

  • looking at a book cover and predicting what the book will be about
  • watching a sample of a movie (trailer) to predict what the movie will be about
  • comparing the trailer to the movie (confirm/deny/correct)
  • sizing up a teacher on the first day of class
  • meeting a dog at the dog pound to consider for adoption
Finally, Costello surfaced student background knowledge of reading strategies used to find word meaning, including sounding out the word, skipping it, asking someone, using the dictionary and stopping reading. I wonder why surfacing word level strategies is meaningful at this early stage, when a central goal is to help students re-examine their assumption that finding word meaning is the key task in reading. Perhaps she surfaced this schema early on so her students could see how it related to the new information she presented about the reading process. This also feels like another lesson. 

[Would it be fruitful to compare the traditional word level strategies to the sample/predict/confirm etc. steps.? For example, a reader who skips a word leaves it out of the sample, but can return later with more information to predict/confirm word meaning. Or, a reader who sounds out the word is sampling every letter in an attempt to find meaning. Or, a reader who asks someone or looks in the dictionary samples the word, but skips prediction - looking immediately for the correct answer. Perhaps that's why this technique fails so many readers, because often the dictionary just provides a new set of variables requiring new predictions and confirmation...]

Lesson 5: What information do readers rely on to make predictions and confirm or deny?

Objective: Identify the four cueing systems that readers use to make meaning.

Costello defined the four cueing systems and gave students examples of how they use their intuition about language to make meaning by using these systems.

Terms to define - the reader figures out meaning by looking at cues that are...
  1. Semantic  - based on meaning, context - what the word could mean here
  2. Syntactic - based on language, grammar - what function the word has here
  3. Graphophonic - based on letters, sound - what the word looks like or sounds like
  4. Pragmatic - based on word usage - what people use words like this for
Examples of syntax that students would pick up - many more examples needed:
Readers know that these words can't fit: Jack ran up the have. Give me the put.

To grasp this objective students would need to do something with the information - perhaps analyzing miscues (after watching a demonstration and doing a reciprocal teaching exercise to practice the technique). Costello has this lesson followed by the practice - will it work to have these on separate days?

This feels like technical information presented out of order - at a time when students do not yet understand what to do with the information or why it's important. If the driving purpose is to focus students on whether a miscue does/doesn't affect meaning, could Lesson 6 come before Lesson 5, with explanation of the technical terms following the analysis of examples?

Lesson 6: What do readers use to make predictions and confirm or deny?
Objective: Analyze the quality of a variety of miscues, using the cueing systems.

Costello gave students miscues to analyze and discussed each one while students responded on a chart.

Here is a miscue example provided by Costello (with miscue in bold italics, and original text crossed out): "I'm really bored," said Judy Julie, "Why don't we go out and play?"

Questions for analysis/charting:

  1. Did what the reader said mean the same thing as what was written in the text? [semantics]
  2. Did what the reader said sound like language [syntax]
  3. Did what the reader said look like or sound like what was written in the text? [graphophonics]
  4. Did the reader self-correct?
  5. Did the reader need to self-correct?
  6. What is the reader's strength?

Lesson 7: How can we notice and analyze miscues in a small group?
Objective: Analyze miscues from a recorded oral reading of text with help from a group. Try out the routine for small groups.

Costello originally used this lesson to review the procedures for small group retrospective miscue analysis session and the expectations for group members. She would ask a student volunteer to read for recording while the whole class followed the reading with a typescript, marking miscues. She found this unworkable because the audio wasn't loud enough on replay and the reader became defensive about the miscues. She recommends having students work only in small groups.

Another way to accomplish this would be for the teacher to do the reading for the whole class demonstration, recording and playing back using the classroom projector and speakers. To work in small groups students need instruction cards with steps to follow and roles to carry out.

Costello's routines for retrospective miscue analysis in small groups:

Size: Costello settled on four students as the optimal group size. Groups of three might be better for the 10-week term so that each student had three opportunities to read if this was a weekly routine.

Routine: On the first day one student read a selected text. All students had a typescript copy of the reading and a chart to mark the miscues (see above). The group would listen to the tape, and have stop the tape as soon as someone heard a miscue. The students would listen to it again and work together to analyze and log the miscue on their charts. This process would start on the first day and continue on a second day. At the end of each cycle a student would volunteer to read at the next session. The students turned in their charts and noted the name of the next reader.

Roles: Each group had a chairperson who would set up the recording equipment, assemble the group, hand out the materials, and get the group started.

Groundrules/etiquette: Allow the reader to read without interruption. Allow the reader to self-correct - let them figure it out for themselves (like figuring out a riddle). Allow readers to volunteer. Giver readers the option to read to teacher solo outside of class instead if more comfortable.

Teacher preparation: Costello formed heterogenous groups. She prepared a basket for each group with copies of the text, charts, and recording equipment. A log identifying readers could be added.

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